During the time since the last item which I posted here, I have been, certes, very busy with attending secret councils (see above), editing the movie, etc. Mainly, however, I have been making Christmas presents; which being done by this time, I will therefore post three posts concerning them to divert the several readers of this blog.
This first post will include presents which I gave to my sisters Kateri and Eliza; the first of which is pictured above. I made two detachable party hoods for them, as prior to this occasion, they did not have any.
These hoods were made by first laying a previously made hood over a felted-sweater, and afterwards cutting out around it (with some modifications to fit the size of the sweater). I then sewed these pieces together in the way by which I thought I could best achieve two hoods; this being done, I added two tassels made from embroidery floss.
The above picture shows Elizabeth looking pleased with her aforementioned hood, while the picture below shows Kateri endeavoring to make a catalogue-face.
For Eliza, I deigned to make also a warm cloak, as I had a thick woolen blanket obtained from the thrift-store. I made it in a half-round pattern, as there was planty of material for 't.
This design of cloak is actually more historically-authentic.
For the purposes of stuffing stockings, I made these two tiny knights.
By using blank wood pegs designed for the purpose of making small people, I easily made these knights by painting with acrylics.
Being finished with the painting, I sealed them with some goopy stuff from a bottle which when dried renders a shiny finish.
As Kateri is fond of Cracknutters, I made her one by means of a boughten one which was unpainted except for the face. The general costume is bas'd on a picture in a book which I have illustrating many Revolutionary War uniforms, hence the pink cummerbund.
In this final picture, Kateri demonstrates the correct way to work the jaw of her new toy. You can easily observe that she was excessively delighted with her gift.