(she did it again)
Oh, we've been steeping long and deep in this blessed season of Christmastide!
Trying to find my way back to this blogging space here after a bit of a Christmas hiatus I figured I could start with a few pictures from our holidays. ;-)
And some favorite memories that don't have pictures-
- singing O Come, Divine Messiah a cappella with Mary Rose while we made cookies (we posted the lyrics on the cupboard door and worked with heads together so we could both read them)
- the joy of waiting until Midnight Mass to listen to Christmas music, and hearing Silent Night for the first time of the season as it is sung in the darkened church
- sitting around the table after Christmas morning Mass and revealing who our Christkindls were, and then talking and talking and laughing about all the funny encounters and near misses involved with a bunch of people living in the same house and trying to stealthily perform good deeds for each other
- watching It's a Wonderful Life all together as we do every year and loving every minute of it, laughing so hard at the scenes we've seen so many times but paying close attention too so we don't miss the Dies Irae
- visiting at the home of some (non-Catholic) friends and watching Eliza make a beeline for their Nativity set as soon as she spotted it, and before I could get out an urgent 'Eliza, don't touch...' she reached right in, grabbed the Blessed Mother, gave her a kiss and put her right back in place quick as a flash, unharmed, and then we all looked at each other and grinned
- crowding around the piano with a roomful of friends at our Epiphany party, ending our lengthy carol singing (naturally) with Hark, the Herald Angels Sing! (can't ever sing it without getting misty eyed) followed by Auld Land Syne and one perfect ding of a tiny bell
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see!
Hail, the incarnate deity,
Pleased as Man with Man to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel!
Hark! the herald angels sing,
Glory to the newborn King!
Happy New Year everyone and I hope to be back here again very soon!