We still have sickness in the house so I'm a bit late here with a Lenten activities post. I thought I'd share our Lenten Calendar as this is new for us this year. Around the blog world you see families use a variety of countdown calendars to help their children keep track of the 40 Days of Lent. We've opted for a small size sheet as we don't have a lot of wall space to hang a large poster. The idea is to let the littles color a block each day, matching the liturgical color of the day. This should prove especially useful for Kateri who is already asking if it's going to be Easter soon.
We've kept it pretty simple, but the major feasts in Lent and the countdown is shown. We're very thankful to Lydia who drew this up for us! Download Lent 2010
And here is a roundup of most of my previous Lenten posts:
Merciful Cross - visual for keeping track of sacrifices and works of mercy
Stations of the Cross Grottos - craft to make a set of Stations to hang on the wall
Stations of the Cross for Littles - hands on manipulatives to help little ones understand the Stations
Settling into Lent - Lenten home altar and 'decor', prayer card download
Another Cross - if you like to plan ahead, our large outdoor cross we put up on Good Friday
Blessings to you and yours as we begin this holy season of Lent!