Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. - from the Introit
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful: grant to the souls of Thy servants and handmaidens the remission of all their sins: that through pious supplications, they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired. -from the Collect
We had a beautiful Solemn High Mass this evening, though our Catafalque was a bit simpler than this one in Rome. Here is an audio of our Men's Schola (with Jonathan conducting - the Requiem Mass is sung a cappella), singing the Dies Irae, a most beloved and popular piece of chant. Latin text and translation is found here.
May the prayer of Thy suppliant people, we beseech Thee, O Lord, avail the souls of Thy servants and handmaidens: that Thou mayest deliver them from all their sins and make them sharers in Thy Redemption. - from the Postcommunion