Please continue to pray for Mary Ellen and her whole family as they mourn the loss of their beloved son Ryan. It was with devastating shock and sadness that I read the news of his passing. I have been praying all day for Mary Ellen and Dave and the children as they undertake this most heavy burden of sorrow and grief, the pain that every parent hopes and prays to be spared in this life. I daresay losing a special needs child gives the grief an even greater, more poignant sting if that is possible, because the natural desire to love and protect our children is magnified with the child who needs us more, who is understood only by us. I've had the pleasure and privilege of meeting Mary Ellen and hearing her speak of her unique parenting journey with her special son. Oh, how she loved her dear, sweet boy, always striving to understand him and meet his needs and devoted to helping him make his way in this confusing world. She embraced her special mothering with such fervor and devotion. My heart just breaks for her aching, aching heart. I pray Our Dear Blessed Mother, who knows this pain and sorrow so well, wraps Mary Ellen and her family in her loving arms and comforts them in the folds of her mantle. We do not know why they have been chosen for this particular heavy cross, but we do know God provides the grace to abide in His will. Mother Mary keep them close and hold them tight as they endure this most exquisite grief. May they know peace in the midst of this deep, deep loss.