1. I figured out how to keep my hibiscus happy. Knowing that flowers are one of the surest ways to my heart, my dear husband surprised me with a hibiscus for Mother's Day. It had one flower on it when I got it, and single blooms appeared occasionally after that. And then it started to drop leaves. Great handfuls of yellow leaves fell off day after day and I thought my lovely gift would soon be no more. But after a little researching and experimenting I discovered they mean it when they say hibiscus likes a lot of water. I now give it a full half gallon pitcher of water every other day, and I check the buds for aphids that often as well (a little rub with soapy water cleans them right off). Now my plant blooms almost every day, with as many as six or seven flowers at a time. I am so pleased with its beauty (and very relieved I didn't kill my present). :-)
2. I have caught up on answering all of my emails (at least I think I have) that have been piling up. And yes I just sent out a few last emails just so I could write that. :-)
3. I have managed to squeeze in time to sit down at the computer, only mildly distracted by my three-year-old interrupting me every couple of sentences, and write a blog post! I have also overcome the 'I haven't posted in a long time so I better post something of Great Substance' post-a-phobia and just written a little something. How's that for a small success! :-)
Stop by Faith and Family to check out all the other Small Successes and Terrific Triumphs! Go, Moms, go!