Helen has a lovely post up today for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart with some meditations and activities for children. She suggests having the children cut out 33 red hearts and write prayers on them, following St. Margaret Mary who was asked by Our Lord to adore Him 33 times upon the cross.
Helen also mentions the 'Jesus meek and humble' prayer, and I immediately thought of combining the two. You already know how I love to put little prayer cards around the house for Lent and Advent as frequent, visual reminders to stop and pray many times throughout the day. So using supplies I had on hand we made 33 red heart prayer cards. (Call me predictable, but my need for incessant prayer is quite constant.) We are midway through June but they would be nice to have out for July as well, the month of the Precious Blood.
Here is a pdf of the prayer cards if you would like to make them: Download Meek Hearts The text is in red, as at first I thought I'd like to use a light colored paper. If you want to print on red paper as I did, just change to black and white before you print.
We cut the hearts out and glued them onto patterned scrapbook paper. I was tempted to stop at the craft store for cross stickers, but ended up sticking with things we had on hand. We cut crucifixes out of catalogs and glued them on top, reminiscent of the Sacred Heart image. We are reminded of Our Lord's meekness and humility even as He suffered His passion, and it is through His sacrifice that we beg the graces to become like Him always.
Thank you, Helen, for your inspiration, as always. And if there is anyone out there who doesn't already subscribe to Helen's daily Mary Vitamin, today would be a wonderful day to sign up!
Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine!
(Edited to add: I can't figure out why the heart pictures are coming up blurry and I have no more time to fiddle with them. If you click on them to enlarge you can see them clearly. Sorry!)