1. Happy Feast of St. Nicholas!
Hope you are having a blessed, joyful feast day. The blogs are just bursting with wonderful ideas for celebrating this special day, and it's delightful to peek at so many diverse family traditions. There's a wealth of information at the St. Nicholas Center, and a St. Nicholas Fair over at Catholic Cuisine. An extra special 'Happy Feast Day' to all of the Nicholases (Nicholai?) and Nicoles out there.
2. TypePad Woes
I just want to mention that I am having difficulty leaving comments on TypePad blogs since they've switched to their new 'Next Generation' platform and profiles. So please excuse me for not leaving comments as I read your lovely blogs. After investigating the problem and having numerous exchanges with TypePad tech support, their most recent advice states:
When an issue is reported, we go through a specific, formal process in which the issue is discussed with the development engineers and a priority assigned. Once we can determine the cause of the problem, the code changes must be made in development, tested, and verified. Finally, they are assigned to a release and pushed into production. Since this process does take some time, we are unable to give a specific date at this time when the change would be made. This will be determined during the development process, as we mentioned.
Translation for when this problem will be resolved - Not Anytime Soon.
3. Snowman
Sometimes someone in the family does something that just begs to be blogged, almost like I bet there's no way you can resist blogging this...
For example:
You may recall how my dear husband enjoys trying to get the grass to grow. Look at this dedication and hard work! He actually told me with an almost-straight-face that it's easier to apply fertilizer in the snow because you can keep track of where you've already been. But do note that he is grinning for the picture above.
4. About Last Night
Did you hear excessive screaming and laughing and roaring and generalized very loud hoopla? That was us. There is something about Friday-after-a-long-busy-week (aka Fried-day) that naturally invites a bit of blowing-off-steam in the form of some fun rowdy play and happy hullabaloo. We started off by piling on top of dear old Dad who was trying to get a little un-fried in typical Dad fashion by resting on the couch -
You have to love a guy who can support six womenfolk.
We also had the rare treat of having Jonathan home for an evening. The girls jumped, quite literally, at this opportunity and coerced him into being their horse. 'Macintosh' took turns giving rides to his sisters, sometimes stubbornly dragged by his lead ropes-
but most of the time galloping wildly through the house (hence the screaming). The girls were quite kind to him and fed him sugar cubes whenever he got a rest. A good time was had by all.
5. The Cook
You have to love it when Gandalf comes and makes soup in your kitchen.
6. Advent
I haven't blogged about our Advent devotions this year because they are the same as last year. As Alice pointed out, families may add something new occasionally but it is the things we do every year as we have always done - that's what makes it tradition. We are praying the beautiful St. Andrew novena prayer, doing our Jesse Tree readings each evening, lighting our Advent Wreath, and singing the same Come, Lord Jesus that we have sung for years and years. It's always lovely to watch a new toddler learn this simple song and sing it every night with all her heart, bowing her head at the Holy Name. We also just started listening to just a little Christmas music, beginning with our friends' CD, Eventide Lullaby. Soon the children will start crafting in earnest, as they've been doing 'handmade holidays' for years and I hope to blog some of their projects. And right before Christmas we will make cookies the same way we always do.
7. Et Moi - Quick Takes
It was Jen at Conversion Diary who started the 7 Quick Takes, but you may know that it is supposed to be a Friday thing. You may also know that I have trouble doing anything on time, which is why I rarely post in blogs fairs and things that normal, organized bloggers do.