...was my birthday!
In between errands and appointments we managed to have a busy but very nice day. I was treated to lovely presents from my children. Lydia made this pretty card and did this beautiful stitching for me:
Anna made me these charming handwarmers from recycled felted sweaters (Josiah's not the only one who likes to thrift shop)
And Josiah made me these fingerless gloves since I liked his so much:
I am tempted to embroider vines on them and Jonathan said that would make them look elvish, but I kind of want to keep them looking Josiahish, so maybe I won't.
I did get to sit a spell and get some crocheting done,
finishing up a scarf for myself:
Can't help sticking a flower on everything - I'm just that kind of girl. And Lydia can't help putting birds on everything, 'cause she's that sort of girl:
As a final treat Michael got out his clarinet - something he only does when the mood strikes him - like every five or ten years or so. Jonathan accompanied him and we enjoyed their fine impromptu playing. Eliza was delighted to have a new instrument to dance to. As I look around now I see the music and stand and clarinet have all been whisked away back into the closet.
It's a good thing I have pictures so I know it wasn't all just a dream!
Thank you, wonderful family, for a wonderful birthday! I sure do love you!