A little background...
In typical new house/ new development fashion, we have a beautiful new house with a lousy lawn. After determining that it is important to improve the attractiveness of our property, my husband set out to get us a lawn. In the spring he contracted with a lawn serviceman to spread top soil and re-seed the whole lot, all for an exorbitant fee. It didn't work. The seed never sprouted and the lawn remained as pitted and grassless as ever. Undaunted, my dearly beloved husband has been working hard to improve the lawn, bit by bit. He's been very busy spreading buckets of topsoil here and there, sprinkling seeds, and watering, watering, watering to try to get some grass to grow in the worst areas.
I have been supportive of his efforts, but not without a good bit of teasing. Every night he goes outside after dinner to tend the bare spots, coaxing a bit of green. He has made numerous trips to the hardware stores trying out all manner of watering mechanisms, all the while taking this teasing from his wife. I joked about his brief love affair with the lawn tractor, his search for the perfect sprinkler, and the like. He has been sustained by the reward of seeing his patches of grass filling in, glorious green amidst the dismal brown. As is always the case in August, the rest of the lawn is dormant and completely brown and dismal looking from the lack of rain. I said the little random green patches look silly, and my dear husband actually agreed.
So you can't imagine how my heart swelled as I laughed out loud, peering out the window this morning to see this:
Oh, I do love this dear, patient, clever man that I married!!!
I can't stop grinning.
Isn't he a peach?