I thought it might be a good time to start teaching Eliza more about letters. She knows the alphabet and recognizes all the letters, so I wanted to start teaching her how to write the letters and what sounds each makes. I sat down with her the other day to try and show her how to make an A. I drew many A's while describing the process: up, down, cross in the middle. She went on drawing circles and faces with her marker, seeming completely disinterested and paying absolutely no attention to me. I'm thinking, okay so we're nowhere near ready for this letter-a-week thing.
So imagine my surprise and delight when the next day out of the blue she takes up her marker and starts writing A's all over her paper, gleefully repeating my directions with every letter: up, down, cross in the middle. She has since filled many pages with all manner of capital A's.
By George, I think she's got it!