Little Tidbits

  • Pooh always liked a little something at eleven o’clock in the morning...-A.A. Milne
  • I'll take a little of whatever you've got. - Michael (as a little boy)
  • No one can love his neighbor on an empty stomach. - Woodrow Wilson
  • Bread and water can so easily be toast and tea. ~Author Unknown
  • You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. ~C.S. Lewis
  • If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee. - Abraham Lincoln
  • If you love me, then put the kettle on. - yours truly
  • If there was tea, I could consider going on. - me again

Email Me

  • Kimberlee (at) beadsofmercy (dot) com
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September 29, 2011


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Hello Kimberley, isn't that funny I just felt like clicking on your food link today and you have posted after a long break! Excuse me asking but what is cornstarch in "English" please?! Is it cornflour, a thickening agent? The delicious puddings look to me like chocolate custard- I can make this here using "Bird's Custard Powder", which has been in existence for decades, and adding cocoa powder. The Bird's mix is made up using milk and then heating, so I think this is more or less what you have done?? A lovely treat for Michaelmas. Please could you all pray for a dear priest friend, Fr Michael, who is very ill and may in fact be dying today. Thankyou, God Bless.


Oh Joy! You are posting recipes again! Can I just say again how much I enjoy your master cooking sheet that I've made it my master cooking sheet? Thank you for showing me the "mystery"behind cooking simple and wholesome meals!


I decided to make your creamy rice pudding for my son's Baptism anniversary dessert (a couple of days late) and my children saw chocolate pudding mix. Needless to say, we are now making this mixture to have on hand for another day.

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